prevent cruise sea sickness

7 Ways to Prevent Seasickness on a Cruise

Cruising is a popular and enjoyable way to explore the world, but for some, the experience can be marred by seasickness. Seasickness, also known as motion sickness, is a common problem that affects many cruise passengers. The rocking and swaying motion of the ship can cause nausea, dizziness, and discomfort. However, with a few simple tips and strategies, you can minimize the chances of being seasick on cruise and have a pleasant journey. In this article, we will explore seven effective ways to prevent seasickness on a cruise. 

Choose the Right Cruise: Avoid the Worst Cruises for Seasickness

When planning your cruise, it’s important to consider the itinerary and the type of ship. Certain cruises are known for rough seas, which can increase the likelihood of seasickness. For example, cruises that traverse open waters, such as the North Atlantic or the Cape Horn route, tend to experience more turbulent conditions. If you are prone to motion sickness, choosing a cruise that sails through calmer waters, like the Mediterranean or the Caribbean, may be wise.

Select Your Cabin Location Strategically

The location of your cabin can play a significant role in minimizing the effects of motion sickness. Midship cabins on lower decks are generally considered the best location on a cruise ship to avoid seasickness. These cabins experience less motion and provide a more stable ride. It is advisable to steer clear of cabins located at the bow (front) or stern (back) of the ship, as these areas tend to be more susceptible to increased movement. Additionally, opt for an outside cabin with a window or balcony, as having a view of the horizon can help alleviate seasickness symptoms.

Optimize Your Diet: Eat and Drink Wisely

What you eat and drink before and during your cruise can impact your susceptibility to seasickness. Avoid heavy, greasy, and spicy foods that can trigger nausea. Instead, opt for light and easily digestible meals. Ginger is known for its anti-nausea properties, so consider consuming ginger-based products or taking ginger supplements. Stay hydrated but avoid excessive alcohol and caffeine intake, which can exacerbate symptoms.

Use Motion Sickness Medications and Remedies

If you know you are prone to seasickness, consider taking over-the-counter or prescription motion sickness medications. These medications can help alleviate symptoms by reducing dizziness and nausea. Consult your doctor or pharmacist to determine which medication is best suited for you. Alternatively, natural remedies, such as acupressure wristbands or patches, apply pressure to specific points on your wrist that are believed to relieve motion sickness.

Focus on the Horizon and Fresh Air

When you start feeling queasy, fixating your gaze on a stable point in the distance, such as the horizon, can help reorient your senses and reduce feelings of motion sickness. Spending time outdoors on deck and breathing fresh air can also benefit. Avoid staying in enclosed spaces with limited airflow, as they can intensify symptoms. Taking regular breaks outside and participating in activities that distract your mind from the motion can significantly alleviate seasickness.

Engage in Relaxation Techniques

Stress and anxiety can amplify the symptoms of seasickness. Engaging in relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, or listening to soothing music, can help calm your mind and body. Practice mindfulness and focus on the present moment rather than worrying about feeling sick. Participating in onboard activities, like yoga or tai chi, can also contribute to your overall relaxation and well-being.

Seek Professional Advice and Treatments

If your cruise sea seasickness persists or becomes severe, it’s essential to seek professional advice. Medical centers staffed with healthcare professionals on board cruise ships can provide treatments and medications to alleviate symptoms. Consult with the ship’s medical staff and follow their recommendations. They may suggest alternative remedies or treatments, such as injections or IV medications if needed.

Which Part of Cruise Ship is Best for Motion Sickness? 

When choosing the best part of a cruise ship to minimize motion sickness, the general consensus among experts and experienced cruisers is that cabins in the midship area and on lower decks tend to be the most favorable. The midship section of the ship is closer to its center of gravity, resulting in less noticeable movement compared to cabins at the front or back of the vessel.

The lower decks also provide a more stable ride, as they are closer to the ship’s center of buoyancy. This means that the up-and-down movement caused by waves is less pronounced on these decks, reducing the chances of feeling seasick. Additionally, being closer to the waterline can create a better sense of stability.

It’s worth mentioning that while midship cabins on lower decks are generally considered the best location on cruise ship to avoid sea sickness, individual experiences may vary. Some people find relief from higher decks as the ship’s motion can feel less pronounced. Each person’s sensitivity to motion and preferences may differ, so it’s worth considering personal factors and consulting with a travel agent or cruise line representative when selecting a cabin. 

What Is the Best Room on a Cruise Ship for Motion Sickness? 

When it comes to choosing the best room on a cruise ship for motion sickness, there are a few factors to consider. Although individual experiences may vary, certain cabin types are generally recommended to minimize motion sickness’s effects.

One option is to select an outside cabin with a window or balcony. Having a view of the horizon can help your senses adjust to the motion of the ship, reducing feelings of seasickness. Being able to see the movement of the water and the distant landscape can provide a visual reference point, which can help alleviate symptoms.

Another consideration is choosing a cabin on lower decks. Cabins closer to the ship’s center of buoyancy experience less up-and-down movement caused by waves. Lower decks, in general, provide a more stable ride and can help decrease the likelihood of feeling seasick.

Additionally, cabins in the midship area are often recommended. Being closer to the center of the ship’s center of gravity, midship cabins tend to experience less noticeable movement compared to cabins located at the front or back of the vessel. This can help minimize the sensation of rocking or swaying and contribute to a more comfortable experience for those prone to motion sickness.

Furthermore, choosing a cabin with good insulation and soundproofing can be beneficial. Excessive noise and vibrations can exacerbate seasickness, so selecting a cabin with effective insulation can help create a calmer and more stable environment.


In conclusion, seasickness should not deter you from enjoying a wonderful cruise vacation. By following these seven effective ways to prevent seasickness, you can minimize the chances of experiencing motion sickness and make the most of your time on board. Remember to choose your cruise wisely, select the right cabin location, optimize your diet, consider motion sickness medications and remedies, focus on the horizon and fresh air, engage in relaxation techniques, and seek professional advice when necessary. With these strategies, you can set sail confidently and enjoy a smooth and enjoyable cruise experience.